Nursing Home Neglect & Elder Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect is Real and It Needs to be Stopped
Many years ago, after realizing that a member of my own family had suffered abuse while in a nursing home, I learned firsthand that some of these “care” facilities fail to live up to their commitment to care for, protect and keep our loved ones in a safe, clean environment.
It was at this time that I began a crusade to help others fight for the rights of our most vulnerable citizens. And we do it with NO UP-FRONT COST or RISK to you or your family. Kelly & Grossman, LLP only receives payment for fees and expenses if we successfully recover compensation for you, our client. Our loved ones, by no fault of their own, suffered nursing home abuse and neglect and while a legal decision or financial settlement cannot make up for injury or death, it is a start toward making positive change so other families don’t have to go through the same torment.
Together, the team of nursing home neglect lawyers at Kelly & Grossman, LLP has successfully fought and won thousands of elder abuse cases on behalf of our clients by holding negligent facilities accountable for the suffering of their loved ones. If you have a family member in a nursing home or care facility, check on them often and ensure they are receiving the proper medical, physical and emotional care they need and deserve.
What is Considered “Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse”?
Nursing home abuse and neglect can often be determined when someone we love unexpectedly experiences or exhibits any of the following signs:
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Cuts, welts, bruises or bleeding
- Broken bones
- Untreated bed sores
- Chronic infections
- Burns
- Physical altercations
- Improper medication
- Report of falls/wandering
- Unsanitary conditions
- Lack of bathing
- Hazardous surroundings
- Unexplained financial or account changes
- Change in personal demeanor/hygiene
Regardless of condition, age, facility type or any other variable, no one who receives care should have to suffer like this. We urge you to always be aware of these neglect and abuse signs to protect your family and friends. If they are victims of any of the above conditions and it is found that the facility failed to monitor, provide adequate care, refused to report abuse or did not follow legal requirements, they could and should be held liable.
Kelly & Grossman, LLP: Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers with Experience
Need assistance with potential abuse or neglect? We are here to help.
Our team will stop at nothing to make sure you and/or your loved ones are not only compensated, but that any and all abuse is brought to light and accounted for. Kelly & Grossman, LLP has the power and resources to assist you in a wide variety of ways, such as:
- Working with authorities, private investigators and medical professionals
- Obtaining procedural and certification documents
- Assisting you with the best course of legal action
- Fighting for your loved one’s rights or earning them a sizeable settlement.
No matter how great or minimal your suspicion is, if wrongdoing has occurred, we will make sure you are fairly compensated.
Contact us today. If you suspect a loved one may be suffering from any form of negligence, neglect, or abuse, call us IMMEDIATELY at 631.314.4996 or complete the contact form below.
David Grossman
Founding Partner,
Kelly & Grossman, LLP