No loved one should be injured or pass away due to poor care in nursing homes. Unfortunately, it is a fairly common occurrence and one that must be corrected. Kelly & Grossman, LLP stands up against bad actors who have claimed to provide care, but fall short with meeting the requirements to do so.
Fighting for Florence Carrington
One nursing home neglect lawsuit that was particularly troubling involved the death of an 83-year-old woman who died as the result of a lack of total care from a Bronx nursing home.
Florence Carrington entered the Morningside House Nursing Home on Pelham Parkway to receive treatment after a hip replacement surgery. While under the “care” of the facility, she contracted severe bed sores and infections that eventually led to her death.
Carrington’s daughter, Yvette Carrington, indicated that her mother was “in good spirts and full of life” when she went to Morningside. However, Yvette says she noticed bed sores and brought it to the attention of the facility many times.
No one did a thing.
Yvette and her mother were also in fear of the nursing home. While Yvette spoke up, her mother was afraid that if her daughter said too much, the nurses at the home would treat Florence poorly.
The bed sores that were never properly cared for were gruesome. The infections Florence endured because of a lack of care from Morningside were unrecoverable and visually looked as if she had been attacked by a shark.
Unfortunately, the lack of care caused the worst-case scenario. Yvette would be told that her mother’s leg had to be amputated. A short time later, Florence Carrington lost her life.
Understaffing in Nursing Homes
The attorney for Morningside argued that Florence entered the nursing home with other medical problems like heart disease and a condition that led to seizures. However, it is clear that had the nursing home been staffed properly and if requirements had been followed, Florence would not have obtained bed sores, lost her leg, and passed, due to this negligence.
Understaffing in nursing homes across the Bronx, New York City, and Long Island is a critical concern. Kelly & Grossman, LLP has filed hundreds of similar lawsuits to hold facilities responsible for not staffing an appropriate number of employees. Families rely on nursing homes to provide a high level of care and to advocate for their loved one’s well-being. Far too often, staffing levels and other requirements are below standards, resulting in unnecessary deaths.
An Advocate for Families Impacted by Nursing Home Negligence
Poor care in nursing homes must be corrected, one case at a time. At Kelly & Grossman, LLP we take the issue of nursing home negligence very seriously and are committed to securing compensation for our clients who experience these tragedies.
We have a storied history of advocating for families as nursing home neglect and elder abuse attorneys. If you are seeking representation or need assistance determining whether legal action is necessary, contact us today, or call 631.314.4996 for more information.